611 - 6th Avenue E.
Regina, SK S4N 5A3
Phone: 800-667-5994
Fax: 306-522-9449

Feedback Form

In order to serve you better, we know that it is important to accept any criticisms along with praise to excel in our business. We encourage you to provide us with your genuine comments on how well we served you in your time of need.

Personal Information
City: Postal Code:  


Name of the Memorial Counsellor who assisted you:

1. Why did you choose Remco Memorials? (Choose all that apply)

Previously served family Reputation
Location Creative Design
2. How did you hear about Remco?
Internet Phone Book
Friend/Family Funeral home
Search Engine Reputation
Other (please specify):  

3. Did you find the information provided by the Memorial Counsellor helpful in making your selections? (please select only one)
Yes No Not Sure

4. Was our staff courteous?
Yes No Not Sure

5. Would you please rate the following, if the apply. (choose only one response for each item)
Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied
Initial contact with our firm
Design options
Timeliness to complete order
Staff attitude

6. Please respond to the following statement, "The prices charged by Remco were reasonable."(Choose the one that applies)
I Agree I Disagree Not Sure

7. Based on your experience, would you recommend Remco to others? (If the answer is no, please explain below in the provided comments box)
Yes No Not Sure

Additional Comments or Suggestions