611 - 6th Avenue E.
Regina, SK S4N 5A3
Phone: 800-667-5994
Fax: 306-522-9449

Popular Epitaphs

1 I am all that is, that was, and that will be
2 Never stop singing
3 A mind at peace
4 Your memory will live on in our hearts
5 With a song in our hearts We remember ...
6 Memories are yours to keep as we remain in peaceful sleep
7 Step softly, a dream lies here
8 A light from our life is gone
A voice we loved, stilled
A place vacant in our hearts
A place never to be filled
9 Her/His duty done, her/his honour won
10 Beautiful lady we miss you ...
11 Come to us in our dreams
Live in our hearts
Stay with us
12 Amazing man, you are missed ...
13 To sleep
To dream
14 A beautiful woman, a perfect wife
15 A courageous warrior
16 The soul of man is immortal and imperishable
17 She/He was a tiny bird with a big song!
18 Serendipity
19 No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted
20 That best portion of a good man’s life -
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love


21 We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh, we sure did laugh

22 The most wasted of all days is one without laughter
She/He wasted no days
23 Gone, but never forgotten
24 In loving memory (of)
25 Until we walk/dance together again
26 A beautiful life came to an end
She died as she lived – everyone’s friend
27 I shall but love thee better after death
28 Forever in our hearts, souls and minds
29 Always with us, somehow
30 I’ve earned my wings
31 Let joy and innocence prevail
32 A life measured in memories, not years
34 Asleep in peace
35 Such immense love lived within her/him
36 Your song has ended, but the melody lingers on
37 Sweetly sleeping
38 Memories keep you with us
39 Step softly, memories lie buried here
40 All your life you made us laugh
We will not weep now

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